Markus Wachowski
- Senior Consultant
Dr. Markus Wachowski has worked for many years in the field of educational mediation with a special interest in the intersections of online-offline teaching and learning and learning across cultural boundaries. He combines research, design, and implementation for a variety of audiences. Through research and teaching, as well as extended residencies, he has proven expertise in the MENA region.
- Head of Academic Program, Project Development, Fundraising, Scrum Master, at Kiron Open Higher Education (2018 - 2020).
- Academic Director of the English-language blended-learning MA program "Intellectual Encounters of the Islamicate World" at Freie Universität Berlin(2013 - 2018).
- Project Coordinator "The Digital Bab al-Yemen", Research Unit Intellectual History of the Islamicate World at Freie Universität Berlin (2013).
- Consultant for Transparency International and BMZ (2012/13)
- Lecturer at the Universities of Bremen and Bochum (2006 - 2013)
- Work for the Museum of Islamic Art Berlin, the German Archaeological Institute and the Ethnological Museum Berlin (2002 - 2013)
- Dr. phil. at the University of Bremen (2011)
- Magister Artium at the Free University of Berlin in Comparative Religion, Modern History, Philosophy (2002)
- Rationale Schiiten. Ismailitische Weltsichten nach einer postkolonialen Lektüre von Max Webers Rationalismusbegriff“, Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten (RGVV 59), Berlin (Walter de Gruyter), 2012.
- „Sada in Sana’a. Zur Fremd- und Eigenwahrnehmung der Prophetennachkommen in der Republik Jemen“, Studies On Modern Yemen, Vol. 6, Berlin (Klaus-Schwarz-Verlag) 2004.