Benjamin Höhne

  • Senior Consultant
  • Digitizer

Dr. Benjamin Höhne holds a degree in psychology and has many years of experience in scientific work in the field of experimental negotiation research as well as conflict and communication management. Currently, he is primarily concerned with the intersection between the increasing digitalization of the working world and the possibilities of using this for a meaningful form of learning in the work process. For this purpose, he develops agile learning projects and accompanying methods in various projects and networks and is active as a coach in these projects.

  • Vita

    • Project coordinator in various research and development projects for the Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin as well as freelancer (funding agencies: BMBF, DAAD, giz, DFG, ERASMUS+).
    • Conception and support of e-learning offers, MOOCs and blended learning formats for national and international target groups
    • Work as trainer and coach for conflict management, negotiation and mediation in various projects
    • Work as research assistant in various research projects in the field of experimental negotiation research at the universities of Trier, Saarbrücken and Lüneburg
    • Doctorate (Dr. phil.) (Summa Cum Laude). "Who does not dare (together) does not win. Allocation context and resource valence as determinants of agreement quality in negotiations over shared resources.". Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Roman Trötschel.

  • Publications

    • Höhne, B. (2020). Das digitale Support System für Agiles Lernen. In Longmuß, J., Korge, G., Bauer, A., & Höhne, B. (Hrsg.). Agiles Lernen im Unternehmen. Berlin: Springer Vieweg.
    • Höhne, B. & Longmuß, J. (2020). Agil und informell lernen – Bedarfsorientierte Kommunikations- und Kollaborationsmethoden. In Richter, G. (Hrsg.). Lernen in der digitalen Transformation. Wie arbeitsintegriertes Lernen in der betrieblichen Praxis gelingt. Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag.
    • Longmuß, J., Korge, G., Bauer, A., & Höhne, B. (2020). Agiles Lernen im Unternehmen. Berlin: Springer Vieweg.
    • Höhne, B., Longmuß, J., Müller, E.S. (2019). Agiles Lernen am Arbeitsplatz – Kompetenzen und Tools in der Umsetzung. In R. Völker & T. Tomaschewski. Agiles Management. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
    • Höhne, B. (2019). Skills development in the workplace. The „agile learning“ approach – A guide for coaches. Intellectual Output of the ALTEF project. Retrieved from
    • Höhne, B., Bräutigam, S., Longmuß, J., & Schindler, F. (2017). Agiles Lernen am Arbeitsplatz – Eine neue Lernkultur in Zeiten der Digitalisierung. Zeitschrift Für Arbeitswissenschaft, 71 (2), 110–119. doi: 10.1007%2Fs41449-017-0055-x
    • Longmuß, J. & Höhne, B. (2017). Agile Learning for Vocationally Trained Expert Workers. Expanding Workplace-based Learning One Sprint at a Time. Procedia Manufacturing, 9 , 262-268.
    • Höhne, B., Loschelder, D. D., Gutenbrunner, L., Majer, J. M., & Trötschel, R. (2016). Workplace Mediation: Lessons from Negotiation Theory. In K. Bollen, M. Euwema, & L. Munduate (Hrsg.), Advancing Workplace Mediation Through Integration of Theory and Practice (S. 67–86). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
    • Trötschel, R., Loschelder, D. D., Höhne, B., & Majer, J. (2015). Procedural Frames in Negotiations: How Offering My Resources Versus Requesting Yours Impacts Perception, Behavior, and Outcomes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 108 (3), 417-435.

  • Contact

    Dr. Benjamin Höhne

    +49 (0) 30 2345 7496
    +49 151 25 30 50 60