Education and Training International

Labor and employment-oriented education is one of the current major challenges. Worldwide, the need for "educated" people to tackle the problems of human societies toward sustainable development is increasing. We bring our diverse experience, our analytical tools and our extensive knowledge to bear for an education that contributes to a successful, positive shaping of the world.

What we offer

Studies and background research provide knowledge and understanding in an international context of the situation on the ground as well as of the design, strengths and weaknesses of existing work- and employment-oriented education. This is a prerequisite for successful interventions.

Practice-relevant competence development enables the successful implementation of complex, company-based education and training, oriented to:

  • the needs in companies: work-process-related, financial and organizational;
  • the individual and socio-cultural prerequisites of the trainees;
  • the embedding in the economic and social environment.

This ensures the sustainable success of competence development for companies and society.

Vocational training in informal/fragile contexts requires rethinking vocational training in development cooperation. We

  • think together previously separate issues such as skills development with humanitarian emergency aid,
  • linking it to economic and business development,
  • and weaving them into a web of inclusive development

into a web of inclusive development.

Our focus is on services that are needed by society and on empowering people to take responsibility for their own economic and social activities. The aim is to stabilize and further develop fragile/informal contexts.